November 27, 2015
Mark it down! >> PechaKucha Night Hong Kong: Tuesday, December 1, 8-10pm, in collaboration with deTour 2015 at PMQ. >> RSVP on the Facebook event page Alberto Cipriani, Associate at RAD Ltd. (Research Architecture Design), will present a building renovation… Continue reading →
Category art, business, culture, design, events, hong kong, pechakucha
Tags architecture, chowpourianlab, cultural development, czech pavilion, design, detour 2015, detour hk, drkrms, education, expo milano 2015, food, hong kong, immersive experience, jupyeah, klein dytham architecture, mauro marchesi, microfinance, networking, pechakucha, pechakucha night, PechaKucha Night Hong Kong, PMQ, social capital
Fri Jul 4, 2014. 20:20-22:30.
PechaKucha Night HK is back after an extended break! Join us in Kwun Tong at Fly the Flyover 01 – an outdoor venue sponsored by UABB / HKIA / EKEO. Free admission as usual. And free beer, courtesy of San Miguel! :-)
MAP TO VENUE (Fly the Flyover 01, 126 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong)
Look who’s talking
Helena Lim / The Other Hundred
Danil Nagy / Data Mining the City: Culture, Urbanism, and Web 2.0
Cath Love / A love story by Cath Love
Winsome Lok / Couture Fashion
Roger Ng / The Voice of Design
Ajax Law & Virginia Lung (One Plus Partnership) / Art vs Design
Vilislava Petrova / Imagining Beauty
Tom & Garcia (Fixieaholic Fixed Gear Crew) / Share the Road
PechaKucha (pe-chak-cha) is Japanese for “chit chat.”
PechaKucha Night was devised by Klein Dytham architecture in Tokyo, 2003, as an event for young designers to present their work. Now in 750+ cities worldwide, the event has one simple rule: stick to the signature format of 20 images x 20 seconds. From emerging talent to established professionals, anyone can take the floor.
April 4, 2013
LOFT magazine, Spring 2013. Written by Catherine Shaw, photographs by Cheehaur Tan, Vic Shing (Art Surveillance), and Sean Creamer. Thanks for the coverage! >> LOFT Magazine
Category culture, events, hong kong, japan, pechakucha, press
Tags 20x20, Art Surveillance, Astrid Klein, Catherine Shaw, Cheehaur Tan, HK, hong kong, klein dytham architecture, LOFT Magazine, mark dytham, pechakucha, pechakucha night, PechaKucha Night Hong Kong, presentation, Sean Creamer, Sonia Chow, speakers, Spring 2013, Vic Shing
October 30, 2012
Special guest at the next PKN HK: Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham architecture, and co-founder of PechaKucha Night! RSVP list is not open yet, so check back here or on the Facebook page closer to the date for priority entry.… Continue reading →
Category art, culture, design, events, hong kong, japan, pechakucha, unexpected
Tags hong kong, klein dytham architecture, mark dytham, pechakucha, pechakucha night, xxx gallery