CBC Arts: The Exhibitionists, “Icehotel: The Tao of Cat,” aired February 22, 2019 (Canada)
The Chronicle Herald, May 3, 2017. “NSCAD grad builds room in ice hotel” (Canada) **
The Globe and Mail, March 29, 2017. “Duo designs feline shrine for ice palace” (Canada) **
ICEHOTEL Art & Design 2017, ICEHOTEL AB (Sweden) **
Norrbottens Kuriren, December 28, 2016, “Mer konst att se i Jukkasjärvi” (Sweden) **
RTHK Pop Fugitives live radio interview with Paul Haswell and Carolyn Wright, segment: What on Earth is PechaKucha?, August 2, 2015 (Hong Kong)
Coconuts Hong Kong, July 31, 2015, “Stories Shared in 20 Pictures at PechaKucha Night Hong Kong”
Tokyo TDC, Vol.25 – The Best in International Typography & Design, Azure Corporation (Japan) **
RTHK Radio 3 Around Town interview with Thomas Latter, on PechaKucha Night Hong Kong meets Swedish Design, aired Tue Dec 2, 2014.
South China Morning Post, August 17, 2014. Play List: Sonia Chow, Organizer of PechaKucha Night HK (Hong Kong)
Ming Pao Weekly, May 24, 2014. 香港設計師協會 環球設計大獎2013展現無限創意 (Hong Kong) **
The Design Issue, Sandu Publishing (China) **
Where You Going? Design Adventures in Southeast Asia, Basheer Graphic Books (Singapore) **
Concierge, May 2013. 20枚の画像で伝える問題意識 (Hong Kong)
ELEKTROKATZE online press, March 2013 (in English, Spanish, Russian, Thai and Japanese) **
LOFT Magazine, Spring 2013. “Sound Bites: The arrival of social media platform PechaKucha in Hong Kong is music to the ears of the city’s creatives” (Hong Kong)
Silkroad (Cathay Pacific’s in-flight magazine), November 2012
“Quick pitch: networking cuts to the chase with PechaKucha Night” (Hong Kong)
HK Magazine online, April 20, 2012. “PechaKucha Night at Fabrik Contemporary Art” (Hong Kong)
RTHK Morning Brew live radio interview with Phil Whelan, PechaKucha Night, February 21, 2012 (Hong Kong)
TimeOut Hong Kong, February 15, 2012, “PechaKucha Night” (Hong Kong)
Logology®2, Viction Workshop Limited (Hong Kong) **
iF Communication Design Award Yearbook 2010, Birkhäuser GmbH (Switzerland)
Los Logos 5: Compass, Die Gestalten Verlag (Germany) *
U Magazine, Issue 246, August 13, 2010, “Any news?” (Hong Kong) **
The Big Book of Bags, Tags, and Labels
MaoMao Publications / Collins Design (Spain / USA) **
Stuffz: Design on Material, BigBrosWorkshop / Ginko Press (Malaysia / USA)
Fashion Source: Cutting Edge Patterns and Textures, MaoMao Publications (Spain) **
Simply Material: Exploring the Potential of Materials and the Creative Competency,
Viction Workshop Limited (Hong Kong)
J-Select, Vol. 34 No. 2, February/March 2007 “How to…” (Japan)
AXIS Magazine, Vol. 123, October 2006, “Creator’s Works” (Japan) *
Think (education supplement to The Chronicle Herald, Halifax), September 2006 (Canada)
The Canadian (bi-monthly newsletter published by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan), August/September 2006, “Putting a twist on everyday objects” (Japan)
Big Fish (magazine supplement to Proto Thema, Athens), July 2006, “Oceans” (Greece)
Metropolis, No. 642, July 14, 2006, “The Goods” (Japan)
Streetwear Today, No. 17, March 2006, “OOITO, street vs. outdoor” (Germany) *
AXIS Magazine, Vol. 120, March 2006, “Creator’s Works” (Japan)
MoCo Tokyo (Modern Contemporary Design), Accessories, February 13, 2006
Sonia Chow (Japan)
National Post, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Windsor Star, February 4, 2006, “Canadian Style in Tokyo” (Canada)
CET Re-Mapping Tokyo, Shobunsha (Japan)
I.D. Magazine, Annual Design Review 2004 (USA)
Design Reform, Vol. 2, February 2004, “Living the New Tokyo Lifestyle” (Japan)
ELLE Deco Japan, No. 70, February 2004, “TDB – Central East” (Japan)
Web Press Happa-no-Kofu, review 11, November 14, 2003
“The weaving woman, a very modern designer – Sonia Chow” (Japan)
Letterhead & Logo Design 8, Rockport Publishers (USA)
Logo Design 5, Graphis Press (USA)
Alcuin Society Catalogue for Excellence in Book Design 2000 (Canada)
Applied Arts, 1999/2000 Awards Annual (Canada)
Alcuin Society Catalogue for Excellence in Book Design 1999 (Canada)
Applied Arts, November 1999, “Top 5 Annual Report Designs” (Canada)
Black Book AR100 Awards Show 1998, catalogue 13 (USA)
Directions 1998, Annual Showcase of Advertising & Design in Canada (Canada)
American Association of University Presses, Book Jacket & Journal Show,
1997 catalogue (USA)
Studio Magazine, 1993/94 Awards Annual (Canada)
{ sonia chow / * huschang pourian / ** chow + pourian }