Category Archives: graphics

2024 Summer recap / Fall update

A quick overview of the last few months: • HubTalks (IG: @hubtalks) Spearheaded by Huschang as part of his academic research, HubTalks is: – a curated event of 5-minute presentations followed by a conversation with panel speakers; – a collaboration… Continue reading

Category art, canada, cat, china, craft, culture, design, events, graphics, halifax, life, music, sculpture, textiles, unexpected, wood, work Tags ,

Artist talk Thu June 15, 2023 at 6pm

I’ll be doing an artist talk as part of the programming for the Carve Wind Chase exhibition. Carving Identity: (un)Making Myths & Monsters Thur June 15, 2023 6-7pm Mary E. Black Gallery, 1061 Marginal Road, Halifax Who are we inside,… Continue reading

Category art, canada, design, events, graphics, halifax, wood, work

ELEKTROSHIBAI: picture storymobile

New video up on our YouTube channel… an introduction to a new community art project called Elektroshibai, which is transported by our Elektrokatze bicycle. Elektroshibai is based on kamishibai (紙芝居), a form of street theatre from Japan using paper picture… Continue reading

Category art, canada, design, education, elektrokatze, elektroshibai, events, graphics, halifax, kamishibai, life, tools

Happy Ox!

February 12th is Chinese New Year! Gung Hei Fat Choi! Best Wishes for a healthy, wealthy and Happy Year of the Ox!

Category design, graphics Tags , ,


A new Instagram account for my non-commercial art work, beginning with work-in-progress snaps of SuperKatt Custom Cut — a motorcycle vest made from the denim jacket I bought new as a teenager and wore until the collar and cuffs became… Continue reading

Category art, design, fashion, graphics, jewellery, small treasures / simple pleasures, textiles, unexpected

Tokyo TDC Vol. 25

As mentioned earlier, ELEKTROKATZE was ‘selected as one of the works deemed “Excellent”’ by the Tokyo Type Directors Club. The book is now available in design bookshops and online. Check the link below for details. >> Tokyo TDC Vol.25

Category design, elektrokatze, graphics, japan, press Tags , , , , ,

TDC Tokyo

ELEKTROKATZE has been ‘selected as one of the works deemed “Excellent”’ and will be published in Tokyo TDC, Vol. 25 – The Best in International Typography & Design, in the category of Mark & Logotype / Corporate Stationery / Branding.… Continue reading

Category design, elektrokatze, events, graphics, japan, press, publications

David Byrne’s bike racks @ BAM

I did a double-take when I saw this. It was like seeing your child playing with strangers. (I say this, and I have no children!) I first began playing with these same modular forms to create letters of the alphabet… Continue reading

Category art, design, graphics, unexpected Tags , , , , , ,

Homage to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Le Petit Prince (a.k.a. “what’s up with that snake and elephant?”)

Got this in my news feed, highlights mine. The question surprised me. Yes, it is the Year of the Snake and this event falls just after the Chinese New Year break. The illustration in question is re-drawn from Antoine de… Continue reading

Category design, graphics, pechakucha Tags , , , , , , , , , ,

UK > HK: Farrells / Placemaking from London to Hong Kong and beyond

Always more than happy to dive into an art- / architecture- / design-related challenge, designing this nearly 300-page 17-year retrospective was my first appointment in HK. UK>HK: Farrells Placemaking documents the trajectory of architects / masterplanners Terry Farrell & Partners… Continue reading

Category design, graphics, hong kong