Category Archives: education
ELEKTROSHIBAI: picture storymobile
New video up on our YouTube channel… an introduction to a new community art project called Elektroshibai, which is transported by our Elektrokatze bicycle. Elektroshibai is based on kamishibai (紙芝居), a form of street theatre from Japan using paper picture… Continue reading
Category art, canada, design, education, elektrokatze, elektroshibai, events, graphics, halifax, kamishibai, life, tools
Branding and Entrepreneurship in Hospitality
Huschang was invited to give a lecture on Entrepreneurship within the Hospitality Sector to the communities of Chinese Academy of Art (Hangzhou, China) and Brand University for Applied Science (Hamburg, Germany). This online talk took place on November 18, in English… Continue reading
Category architecture, business, canada, china, design, education, events, germany, hospitality, product