Tag Archives: alberto mugrabi
The quick list: playing catch-up
February 6, 2013
Long stretch since the last post… For expediency’s sake, a quick list of articles worth reading (most recent on the top). SCIENCE >> National Geographic: The Bite that Heals. Scientists are unlocking the medical potential of venom / Jennifer S.… Continue reading →
Category architecture, art, cat, design, food for thought, green, life, presentation tips, science, tools, Uncategorized, work
Tags adam green, alberto mugrabi, andy warhol, animal sounds, apollo robbins, bird calls, cartoonist, cats, chimamanda adichie, china, cornell, damien hirst, doodling, evolution, forks, frost flowers, genetics, german cat bomb, grandmothers, healing, homeopathy, kusama yayoi, larry gagosian, leo castelli, lynda j. barry, medical potential, neuroscience, ocean, overbite, peter zumthor, pickpocket, pots, recordings, rooftop farms, snakes, storytelling, street art, TED, toothless, venom, wildlife