I’m doing a 3-month residency at the Textile Museum of Canada (Toronto), finishing at the end of March! Here’s a snap from Day 1 in the Learning Hub, meeting the team :-)
My main project during this residency is to create a series of uniforms with material from the Museum’s ReUse Program, incorporating traditional Chinese motifs from the Museum’s collection. Specifically, I will be making one-piece coveralls. Originally, these were made as durable protective gear for trades and manual labour, and to identify the wearer’s position. Over time, it has been adopted as a form of non-gendered fashion which can anonymise the wearer and flatten the hierarchy.
A uniform can imply authority to control, demand respect and/or take up space. I am interested in how these uniforms can affect perception: from within as the wearer, as well as from a spectator’s perspective. How does it feel to put these suits on? What do others see when these suits are worn?
This project builds on the Crouching Tiger Spacesuit which I made in collaboration with Leesa Hamilton for the Visual Arts Nova Scotia group show last June, shown here with my Free Ride skateboard.
We acknowledge the support of Arts Nova Scotia